Monday, June 15, 2009

Natural Ways to Control Your Underarm Sweat

excessive sweating is a condition that causes embarrassment in many social and work situations. Hyperhidrosis is the medical term used to refer to this disease sweating. There are many reasons why people sweat excessively. Real hyperhidrosis usually in childhood or adolescence. Hyperhidrosis can also be a symptom of a disease, especially if you experienced this problem, at a later stage in life.

to the underarm sweating, personal hygiene must be improved. Apart from the unpleasant wet marks it leaves on the T-shirt, it could also cause body odor. This is particularly debilitating in terms of career, romance and social life as a whole.

shaving the armpits is the first step to prevent wetness. This also reduces the accumulation of bacteria in the underarm region as well as the bad odor associated. By achieving this objective, people feel less embarrassed when in public.

The exact cause of hyperhidrosis has not yet been discovered by scientists. Indeed there are many applications available, but a perfect cure is yet to exist. Treatment options are surgery, injections and oral medications, but the results are always good with a price. There are side effects and could be traumatic for the patients especially those that surgery. In the meantime, that all patients can do to stop armpit sweating, the use of certain treatments, the problem can be brought under control. Apart from these, some changes in the way of living. For example, if you from excessive underarm sweating, it is advisable that you wear light loose clothing. The fabric material, which is in direct contact with the skin should be cotton and nothing else. Clothing with synthetic materials can cause irritation, itching, the airflow and a good environment for welding to develop, even in greater proportion.

Smoking and caffeine should be avoided. This is because these affect the body metabolism. An increased metabolism is almost always associated with excessive sweating. Moreover, it is clear that some physical activity or active on a regular basis. This helps to save weight and overweight, as most people often suffer from too much sweat, this could actually an effective way to stop sweating in the armpits.

Choose a Antiperspirant, aluminum zirconium. This chemical substance is able to stop sweating armpits blocks the pores. In this way prevents the aluminum zirconium sweat from the skin to escape, so that your armpit area dry. This type of Antiperspirant is for mild to moderate forms of excessive armpit sweating.

Autor: Maria Jo Maria Jo
Level: Basic
Maria Jo is the founder of World Healing Mission, Inc. RN by profession, she is also a writer, entrepreneur, affiliate marketer and a single mother ... ...

Read more about effective treatments to cure excessive sweating permanently.

Added: June 16, 2009


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