Cold Sore Tips for Prevention and Treatment
Cold sores aren't just cosmetically ugly; they hurt too. As anyone who's ever had one can attest, they can be almost overwhelmingly painful. To help you conquer cold sores, we've gathered some cold sore tips to assist you in relieving the pain of a current cold sore outbreak, and to help you prevent new outbreaks down the road.
Let's get started by going over the triggers that cause cold sores.
A virus known as the Herpes Simplex Virus I or HSV I is the root cause of cold sores, also called fever blisters. Don't let the name confuse you - this virus is completely distinct from the one that causes genital herpes lesions.
HSV I is a chronic virus that is easily passed from one person to another. It is so common that it is present in 80% of the population, and most people get HSV I before they turn seven years old. Once you have the virus, you'll have it for life. Most of the time it remains inactive, until something happens to trigger a cold sore outbreak.
When the herpes virus lies dormant, there are no signs or symptoms in a person who has the virus. That is, until the virus is somehow reactivated, resulting in painful and unsightly cold sore blisters around the lips and mouth.
Prevent Outbreaks with these Cold Sore Tips
So, what is it that causes the typically latent HSV I to become active? There are several common triggers, which include:
Weakened immune system
Pregnancy or a woman's period
Irritation or injury to the mouth and lips
In a nutshell, anything that creates too much stress or overburdens the body can cause the formation of cold sores. So, the way to prevent cold sore outbreaks is to control these environmental triggers.
When it comes to cold sores that may occur during pregnancy or a woman's period, these hormonally-based triggers can't always be controlled. In cases like this, you can develop a proactive plan of attack.
A variety of supplements and drugstore products exist that can aid in preventing cold sores. Your strategy should include avoiding injuries to the lips and mouth as a result of overexposure to the sun and chapping. You should also eat a healthy diet that reinforces the immune system, and use a natural lip balm to soothe dry lips.
Treat Outbreaks with these Cold Sore Tips
If you're already in suffering from a cold sore outbreak, you might be wondering how you can soothe the symptoms.
The cold sore tips below can help you calm the pain of your cold sores:
Apply a medication directly to the sores to numb the pain. You may want to try one of the many "caine" medications, like lidocaine or benzocaine. Benzoyl alcohol or a phenol-containing preparation can also be effective.
Apply an antibacterial product to prevent the sores from getting infected.
A good lip balm should be applied to avoid cracking and scabbing of the open sores.
Try taking zinc and lysine supplements. These may reduce the duration of a cold sore outbreak. Zinc is also known to boost the immune system.
Taking care of yourself with a healthful diet and exercise plan, combined with immune-bolstering supplements is the best way to prevent painful cold sore outbreaks. Be sure to get enough restful sleep, and use stress management techniques to avoid succumbing to stress.
While the best course of action is a good prevention plan, if you do end up with a cold sore breakout, use these simple cold sore tips to help soothe your discomfort and end your breakout faster.
Autor: Grant Dougan
Finding a cold sore cure isn't complicated - you just need to take the right steps to prevent and heal the cold sores you get.
Click here to discover an all-natural technique that anyone can use to stop cold sores and live a life without worrying about getting an outbreak.
Added: February 26, 2009
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