Friday, February 27, 2009

How to Treat Baby Eczema

Eczema usually appears beginning in infancy. This is known as baby eczema, and this disease is unavoidable when it has started. Baby eczema can occur in many types, and can be caused by various substances. In some cases, babies are allergic to certain metal substance or even certain food. Some cases shows of baby allergic reaction to colostrums, which actually an important nutrient for body's development, and provided naturally through breast milk.

Once eczema occurs on a baby's skin, there is no way to stop it. In some rare cases, eczema does reduce or even diminish as the infant grow older. But for some time the infant still has to suffer from the disease. To have an infant suffer baby eczema is much harder to handle then older child. While older child can explain what they have been eating or in contact with, there is no way parents can ask a 9 years old baby where they have been playing.

Eczema on baby is not to be underestimated on any cases. A simple rash or inflammation on older child shouldn't have effect their eating habit. On infant though, an inconvenient can cause the infant to cry and lose their appetite. In long term this condition will decrease infant's body strength and disturb their health.

Although after it occur baby eczema is unavoidable, research shown that the disease can be prevented. But the key is to avoid it before it occurred. Therefore, mothers who have a history of eczema in her family and/or her spouse's family, play an important role on preventing this disease. The method is to control the mother's consumption during pregnancy. For instance, eating undercooked meat, poultry, or unwashed fruits and vegetables is not recommended for pregnant woman.

Avoid using the same knife and cutting board for cutting raw meat with other food. Another thing to watch is listeria bacteria. Not only that this bacteria might cause allergy on dairy product in the future, listeria can also cause serious problem, including miscarriage, premature birth, blood poisoning, and birth defects. Listeria is found in soft or blue-veined cheese cheeses, brie and unpasteurized milk. Also try to avoid raw eggs and food or drink that contains raw eggs.

The main issue on preventing baby eczema is to maintain cleanliness during pregnancy. Grandmother's rule of cleaning your hand prior a meal should never be forgotten. Ready to eat food also should be reduced if can't be avoided. It's always better to be caution during pregnancy, because the effects are long term. Having your child to suffer baby eczema should not be underestimated.

Autor: J. Jennings

Find out more about Natural Eczema Cures and how you can ease the suffering without harsh drugs at Natural Eczema Cures .com.

Added: February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Discover the Secrets You Can Use to Cure Cold Sores

Cold Sore Tips for Prevention and Treatment

Cold sores aren't just cosmetically ugly; they hurt too. As anyone who's ever had one can attest, they can be almost overwhelmingly painful. To help you conquer cold sores, we've gathered some cold sore tips to assist you in relieving the pain of a current cold sore outbreak, and to help you prevent new outbreaks down the road.

Let's get started by going over the triggers that cause cold sores.

A virus known as the Herpes Simplex Virus I or HSV I is the root cause of cold sores, also called fever blisters. Don't let the name confuse you - this virus is completely distinct from the one that causes genital herpes lesions.

HSV I is a chronic virus that is easily passed from one person to another. It is so common that it is present in 80% of the population, and most people get HSV I before they turn seven years old. Once you have the virus, you'll have it for life. Most of the time it remains inactive, until something happens to trigger a cold sore outbreak.

When the herpes virus lies dormant, there are no signs or symptoms in a person who has the virus. That is, until the virus is somehow reactivated, resulting in painful and unsightly cold sore blisters around the lips and mouth.

Prevent Outbreaks with these Cold Sore Tips

So, what is it that causes the typically latent HSV I to become active? There are several common triggers, which include:

Weakened immune system
Pregnancy or a woman's period
Irritation or injury to the mouth and lips

In a nutshell, anything that creates too much stress or overburdens the body can cause the formation of cold sores. So, the way to prevent cold sore outbreaks is to control these environmental triggers.

When it comes to cold sores that may occur during pregnancy or a woman's period, these hormonally-based triggers can't always be controlled. In cases like this, you can develop a proactive plan of attack.

A variety of supplements and drugstore products exist that can aid in preventing cold sores. Your strategy should include avoiding injuries to the lips and mouth as a result of overexposure to the sun and chapping. You should also eat a healthy diet that reinforces the immune system, and use a natural lip balm to soothe dry lips.

Treat Outbreaks with these Cold Sore Tips

If you're already in suffering from a cold sore outbreak, you might be wondering how you can soothe the symptoms.

The cold sore tips below can help you calm the pain of your cold sores:

Apply a medication directly to the sores to numb the pain. You may want to try one of the many "caine" medications, like lidocaine or benzocaine. Benzoyl alcohol or a phenol-containing preparation can also be effective.

Apply an antibacterial product to prevent the sores from getting infected.

A good lip balm should be applied to avoid cracking and scabbing of the open sores.

Try taking zinc and lysine supplements. These may reduce the duration of a cold sore outbreak. Zinc is also known to boost the immune system.

Taking care of yourself with a healthful diet and exercise plan, combined with immune-bolstering supplements is the best way to prevent painful cold sore outbreaks. Be sure to get enough restful sleep, and use stress management techniques to avoid succumbing to stress.

While the best course of action is a good prevention plan, if you do end up with a cold sore breakout, use these simple cold sore tips to help soothe your discomfort and end your breakout faster.

Autor: Grant Dougan

Finding a cold sore cure isn't complicated - you just need to take the right steps to prevent and heal the cold sores you get.

Click here to discover an all-natural technique that anyone can use to stop cold sores and live a life without worrying about getting an outbreak.

Added: February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3 Simple Home Remedies For Eczema That Works Well

Eczema is a skin condition which results in dry, scaly and itchy skin. It is something which affects a majority of people across the globe. Due to increased dryness, itchy feeling results which have been advised by doctors not to care about this fact, but it is easily said but not done. The intensity of itching differs from one individual to another and sometimes the skin condition worsens with increased itching and irritation and thus the need for home remedies for eczema pops up!

There are different treatments available for treating eczema varying from creams, lotions and steroid based creams to even moisturizers to keep the skin moist always. But all these are just solutions for temporary relief and not for a long term result. On the other hand, home remedies for eczema are becoming more popular with the increased chances of controlling as well preventing dry and itchiness for a long time.

Three simple home remedies for eczema include:

The rising up of eczema problem like itching can be reduced to a greater extent by altering the regular diet like including more fruits and vegetables and avoiding oil foods and fatty oils. Following a perfectly balanced diet with more salads and vegetables can bring in more water restoration in the skin making it soft and supple.

Water is the most essential aspect of human body and lack of this component will make the skin dry and scaly. Eight to ten glasses water should be taken in every day as this helps in flushing out toxins from the body and also known to one of the essential home remedies for eczema.

Moisturizers keep the skin soft, supple and away from dryness and must be applied whenever the skin needs it. Regular use of Vitamin E based lotions or creams helps in supplying enough oils for the skin to keep it moist and thus preventing itching or scaling of the skin.

Considering and taking into account all the three home remedies for eczema can help you prevent lot of problems which might even result in the severity of the condition.

Autor: Ashish K Arora Ashish K Arora
Level: Platinum
I am a research analyst and my best topics to do research is gaming devices though i also take interest in Technological subjects....

Home remedies for eczema are highly preferred due to several important factors like easy availability of things at home, low cost and also the increased relief time rewarded. By checking the article How I cured my Eczema can help you get enough ideas and tips on controlling skin problems.

Added: February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Great Tips on How to Get Rid of Warts

Are you looking for a solution on how to get rid of warts? You have probably tried all methods including duct tape and seeking the doctor's advice etc and have found that it's no use. This is because these methods only give you a temporary relief from your problem. What you are looking for is a permanent solution and it can be found only from natural sources. It is a known fact that nature can never harm you in any way and this means that any thing that you use from nature will not cause any side effects.

There is no more necessity to go to a store and get embarrassed about the fact that you are looking for a solution on how to get rid of warts. You can use all the items that are present in your kitchen garden and make sure you reach on a remedy that is most helpful and important. The best remedy is to use garlic pods. Consuming about two cloves of garlic is considered to be very helpful. Though this is difficult to eat this, you need to do so because there are guaranteed answers on how to get rid of warts.

Castor oil is another sure answer to the question how to get rid of warts. This is an age old method that was followed by most of our ancestors and it will sure provide the best cure to your problem of warts.

Citrus fruits like orange, lemon etc work wonders on warts and are the sure fire remedies that answers how to get rid of warts. The acidic natures of these fruits give you the best possible cure as they do not let warts stay on your skin. When you choose such natural methods, you can be sure of the fact that you will be able to find the best answers and in addition you will be satisfied about the fact that there will be no other side effects.

Autor: Ashish K Arora Ashish K Arora
Level: Platinum
I am a research analyst and my best topics to do research is gaming devices though i also take interest in Technological subjects....

Don't you want know how to get rid of warts easily and in the most natural manner? Then, you have to check Molewartremoval and you can be sure to get the best rewards from the guide that is available.

Added: February 23, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Natural Method to Cure Eczema

I wanted to talk to you about the natural method to cure eczema. This is a very interesting skin condition that people get. It causes the skin to turn red, get irritated and dry out. It doesn't sound like anything all that interesting, but it's the fact that people really struggle at curing this problem. Most sufferers wouldn't use the word interesting, but frustrating to describe it. It gets even worse if you have it on your face because it is exposed skin. Since this condition typically hangs around for years, it gets embarrassing knowing that there is very little you can do about it. This is why I want to help you out with the natural method to cure eczema.

When I first got this condition, it was on my face and I really had no idea what it is at the time. I just grabbed some moisturizing cream from around the house and applied it. After the creams around the house didn't produce any results, I went to the drug store to see what I could find there. I got some creams that were designed specially for eczema and they didn't work either. I even visited my doctor and he recommended yet another cream that didn't work.

The natural method to cure eczema is a little different. Instead of applying cream to some sort of skin problem, it takes on why it happens in the first place. Dietary fat is the essential building block for proper hormone production of skin hormones. I got some fish oil added to my diet and after a few weeks my skin cleared up.

Autor: Elle Nash

Learn about the Natural Remedy For Eczema

Added: February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Kind of Anti Stretch Mark Cream Should You Choose?

Many women use an anti stretch mark cream for their stretch marks. These creams claim that they will be able lighten or diminish the appearance of stretch marks, if not get rid of the totally. Stretch marks are a nuisance to any woman because basically they are ugly to look at and embarrassing to show other people.

The Cream

An anti stretch mark cream is an alternative to all the other methods available to get rid of stretch marks. Instead on spending a fortune on medical procedures, the cream gives you a cheaper and safer option. Creams are also easy to apply and there is no fuss in doing so.

What To Look For in an Anti Stretch Mark Cream

When choosing a stretch mark cream you should first check its ingredients. It is best that you go for a product that is made with natural ingredients to reduce the possibility of developing allergy. People with sensitive skin must make sure that they are not allergic to any of the ingredients used. It is also advisable to test the product on a small patch of skin and see if the skin will develop any allergic reaction in the next couple of days. Pregnant women should always consult their doctor before using any product regardless of what kinds of ingredients it is made of.

You should also find out how exactly the product deals with stretch marks and how does it work. Does it lighten the scars or gets rid of them completely. Is it best used as a preventive measure or as a stretch mark remover? Check if the ingredients in it are really helpful in stretch mark cases. You should also consider its effectiveness to you personally. Your skin, genes and many other factors can affect the effectiveness of a product. Not all products work the same on different people.

When choosing an anti stretch mark cream, you must be very careful. Take your time and be smart. Do not be fooled into buying a product because it is popular. An expensive product does not necessarily mean that it is more effective while a cheap one does not mean that you get the added benefit of saving money; what if it does not work? If you are really serious in finding a good cream, eventually you will find one that works for you.

Autor: Sapphire Rylee

For the best stretch mark treatment program, know which stretch mark products are suitable for your skin type. Read reviews and discover what you need to look for in your anti stretch mark cream product before choosing one.

Added: February 19, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Use Natural Skin Care Shopping and Make Sure Your Skin is Pampered

This is the new era of natural skin care shopping. All of them give much importance for natural skin care products. This is mainly because of the better and effective results that are observed. It is free from all other chemical substances that is present in the other counterparts. This helps the product to keep a friendly relation with the skin.

It is very free from all other skin problems and side effects.
The scope of natural skin care shopping brought in several manufacturers in to the market who carried out extensive research in this field and found the right results too. You need to use such products of you do care for your skin. Your skin is very sensitive and you do need to take care of it.

Due to the fast life that many of us lead with very less time for every thing and certain environmental factors different skin problems liking aging, wrinkles, pimples and other visible marks appear. There are many chemical products for treating these skin problems. However, these chemical products badly affect the skin. It also has various side effects.

However, the working and results of natural products are some thing incredible than any other product now available in the market. It is also free from all other side effects and other problems. This is why many of us have started opting for natural skin care shopping.

Cynergy TK, Babassu, Avocado Oil, Shea Butter, Grape Seed oil, Eyeliss, Phytessence Wakame, Homeo Age and Vitamin E are important natural ingredients for skin care products, which have major role for eliminating different skin problems from your skin. These powerful ingredients are actually natural emollients, antioxidants and essential oils. They come from purely natural sources. Using of such products with these ingredients is very much helpful for rejuvenating and rebuilding your old skin and make it younger.

Do yourself a favor. Learn more about these natural products and start using them if you want to see your skin radiant and healthy.

Autor: Jean Helmet

Discover the benefits of the best skin care line that are made from breakthrough natural ingredients. Learn about the dramatic results you can achieve - To get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin visit:

Added: February 16, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Use Natural Cures For Eczema and Find Results Immediately

Discovering that you have eczema is indeed very difficult to handle. This is because all the symptoms appear on the skin. You will not be able to wear what you like and going out in the public is impossible. This saps your entire confidence leaving you with a wretched feeling. If this is the case, you need to understand that there are natural cures for eczema that will surely work. You might have tried the several other treatments that your doctor has prescribed without much effect.

Eczema is accompanied by several symptoms like dry skin, itching etc. Drinking tea with certain herbs is an excellent kind of natural cures for eczema. This is because tea is a good source of anti oxidants.

You can start your natural cures for eczema from your kitchen. Consuming fruits and vegetables with high fiber content helps a lot in this case because you can have a very healthy internal environment which is what is shown outside. Another important content that you must include in your diet as part of the natural cures for eczema is Zinc. But you need to be careful regarding the fact that you should not take in Zinc in any measure that you want. The best way would be to consult a particular doctor because the needs of different people are different.

When you uncover the natural cures for eczema it is indeed very helpful if you have a guide of some sort which you can refer to. In such cases, use of a guide is most important because you can be sure of the fact that you are using the right cure in the right amounts consumable. When such is the case you also need to be very careful about the kind of guide you purchase. Make sure you do not waste any of your money unnecessarily on something that will not work.

Autor: Pankaj N

If you want details about a guide that is reliable and will provide you with the best results, you can check the best eczema guide which will sure help you in this regard. All you need to do is check how I cured my eczema which will help you a great deal in finding natural cures for eczema.

Added: February 13, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dry Skin Care Products

Different people are blessed with different skin types. There are oily skins. There are normal skins. There are skins with T-zone; not to forget the dry skins. Each skin type requires different type of care. But, the type that give the maximum number of problems is the dry skin hence it needs maximum amount of care. Therefore, to help people deal with their problems various companies have come up with skincare products.

There are both benefits and drawbacks of having a dry skin. A person with a dry skin sweats less compared to others. She is also less prone to getting pimples and has a relatively clear face in her youth. She is also saved from other drawbacks of an oily skin. But, it also give birth to a number of problems. People with dry skin face an early assault of wrinkles. Dry skins give a stretched feeling and feels rough to touch. They could also get cracked to the extent that your skin could even start bleeding. If not dealt with in a timely manner, it can cause greater problems. Hence, dry skincare requires as much care as an oily skin.

The best method of dry skincare is to keep your skin moisturized at all times. It needs special care in the winter season and also in the autumn when the weather is dry and it takes away much of the moisture from the skin. Hence, in these seasons a person with a dry skin should take adequate care to stop the skin from flaking or cracking.

One natural way of dry sensitive skincare is the use of milk cream on the face. This milk cream provides the necessary moisture and also makes the skin smooth to touch. Honey is a good moisturizer and can be used for skincare. But, if you find these natural substances to be insufficient in offering you the desired facial skincare, you can also go for expert dry sensitive skin care from the market.

All the leading beauty companies have several range of face skincare. They provide moisturizers, body lotion, body cream, face cream, etc., to provide adequate natural dry skincare to a person. Apart from these, several beauty creams also come with a moisturizing base in an effort to give dry skincare to a dry facial skin. Hence, a woman can use the cosmetics for any length of time without feeling that stretched out sensation on her facial skin.

Autor: Sophia Brown

Wouldn't you like to keep your complexion looking healthy and young? Come face to face with the perfect way to fight aging and protect your skin. Participate for a FREE Skin Care Package. Fight the effects of aging with good dry skin care at

Added: February 9, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Natural Skin Tightening - Dr Perricone's Tips on Natural Skin Care

A wrinkle free tight skin is what all of us look for. For this we try so many expensive moisturizers, creams, lotions, etc. But the moment we stop using them, the problem builds up again. The need is to curb down the core reason for the wrinkles.

As skin care specialist, Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone explains, the free radicals that enter our body through unavoidable natural resources like the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Now these free radicals contain oxidants. When these foreign bodies meet with our body cells, the oxidants get mixed with them and hence damage the body cells. When a person is young in age, the body has the strength to build these damaged cells again. But after the age of 30 - 35, the body loses this power. As a result, the damaged cells cause wrinkles on the skin.

Eating food that is rich in the anti-oxidants helps in creating an opposite reaction in the body. The anti-oxidants work just reverse from what the oxidants do. They also mend the damaged cells. Further, they act as a shield and do not let more cells get damaged due to the oxidants.

Some food items that are rich in the anti-oxidants are as follows:

Acai berry
Blue berry

Top among these is the acai berry. This little grape like fruit is found on the acai palm trees of the rain forests of Brazil. This Amazonian fruit contains anti0-oxidants 10 times more than grapes and twice that of blue berries. Dr. Nicholas V. Perricone has now rated it the No. 1 Super Food on his diet chart, replacing blue berries.

Besides, the other advices that would help you have wrinkle free and healthy skin are:
Do not move in the harsh sunlight with out a sun tan lotion.
Save your skin from very high temperatures.
Always remove the make up before you sleep.
Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of pure spring water in a day.

Autor: Latika Meehan

Dr Perricone also recommends The Dynamic duo

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Added: February 8, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Learn How to Treat Eczema Effectively

If you are suffering from Eczema then you probably know how it feels to go through all this pain that is caused due to itching. Above all it is the embarrassment of mingling with the public having Eczema is what puts you off. You might have consulted your doctor to learn how to treat eczema. The answer that they provided would be to use drugs which if continuously supplied to the body will only weaken your body further.

You would have also noticed that though the medicines that you consume prove to give relief after sometime Eczema appears yet again. You need to keep switching medicines such that each time the dosage of your medicine will get stronger which will cause you unnecessary troubles. If you want to know how to treat Eczema effectively then you need to switch towards natural medicines.

Naturally derived medicines are the only ones that give you the answer to the question how to treat eczema. The main symptom that accompanies eczema is the presence of continuous itching. If you keep itching at one point you would have seen that your skin becomes so fragile with every layer disappearing and then it starts bleeding.

Another factor that you need to know to understand how to treat eczema is that fact that there is the presence of dry skin that is associated with this. Usually the cure for this is the application of some cream available. But you have to take care because the ingredients in the creams that you apply will act in increasing eczema.

There is plenty of information available on the internet about how you need to go about curing eczema. But choosing a reliable source is what you need to be careful about. What you choose needs to be in such a way that your eczema is cured using natural means. Going with this scheme is very helpful because you can be sure that there will be no side effects to this.

Autor: Pankaj N

You will be able to know more about how to treat eczema if you check how I cured my eczema This is a valuable tool in your hand if you are suffering from eczema because it will provide you with the best counter medicines that are completely natural.

Added: February 7, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Searching For the Right Natural Skincare Products

Natural skincare products used to be hard to find only a few years ago. In fact, the first products for skin maintenance were made only from chemicals. After a few years, people have started to realize that this is not the best way to obtain a healthy skin.

If a product contains chemicals, the results won't be what you expect. After a few months of usage, your skin will start to get affected in a negative way. At first, some of these products might help your skin. However, the right effects won't appear for everyone. Because each person has a certain type of skin, you can't really know if you will feel better after you use a chemical based cream or if your skin will get even worse.

The major problem appears in the long run. Every product which uses an unnatural way for treating skin conditions will end up hurting you. When people realized that this is an undeniable fact, they started to search for alternative methods.

It seems that with the help of the right natural skincare products any skin defect can become history. In this case, the product can work or fail, but it will never damage your body. You just have to find a few ingredients which have been proven to offer results and you can start the treatment.

The most common problems are those of wrinkles and white spots. At the moment, both of these problems can be solved by products which contain Cynergy TK, a natural ingredient.

With the help of Cynergy TK, the body will get the substances that it needs for getting healed. Everything will happen from the inside out and any skin problem that you might have will get completely cured in a matter of weeks.

A natural product won't act only on a certain part of your body, like chemicals do. It will have an effect on many areas and you will feel major improvements all over your organism. Basically, after you use a natural skincare product you will get the perfect skin and all of your problems will disappear.

Autor: Laza Marius

Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Added: February 6, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do Oily Skincare Products Work?

Whenever a new skincare product appears on the market it starts to get surrounded by controversy. This usually happens because people don't trust large companies and advertising. If you are properly informed, you can certainly obtain the perfect skin in only a few weeks. When it comes to oily skincare products, the situation can go both ways.

There are some creams which work, but you can't base your decision only on the fact that it contains a type of oil. If you want to get a reliable product, you need to learn more about all of the ingredients which it contains, or at least the active ones.

For example, a cream can contain the best oils that money can buy. Even so, if the main active ingredient is a chemical, there are high chances that it will fail. This means that you won't get any improvement or you that you might get a side effect. So, the most important part is to make sure that natural ingredients are present in the product that you want to buy.

After that, you should know that some oily skincare products contain harmful oils. That's right, not every type of oil is efficient; some can be harmful. The most common case is that of mineral oil, which will not only fail at healing your skin, but it will make it worse by clogging the pours.

If you want to get the best oily skincare products, they should contain Babassu oil or a substance which has been proven to work by genuine studies. The right results can't come without prior investigation. Luckily, there are a few oils which have been tested and as long as you get them from a natural cream, you have nothing to worry about.

In the end, you can get oily skincare products without to much effort. You have to keep your eyes opened for the proper ingredients and you should find the right product in just a few minutes. The right mixture will not only work, but it will offer many benefits for the health of your skin without any type of negative effects that you normally get from chemicals.

Autor: Laza Marius

Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Added: February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here's How to Stop Cold Sores and Never Worry About Another Outbreak!

How to Prevent Cold Sores

If you're like most people, chances are pretty high that you've suffered one or more painful outbreaks of cold sores. You might have always thought that cold sores just appear by chance, and that there is nothing you can do to prevent them. You'll be glad to learn that this is not the case.

Cold sores happen when the dormant HSV I virus gets reactivated. This virus is a latent virus - meaning it doesn't usually cause symptoms - in about 80% of the U.S. population. The key to preventing them is knowing what exactly triggers the reactivation of the virus. By learning the triggers, you can learn to take active measures to prevent future outbreaks from occurring.

So what does trigger cold sore outbreaks?

The short answer is that anything that weakens a person's immune system or lowers that body's defenses can cause an outbreak of cold sores. In practical terms, this means that any sort of stress, illness, or abrupt change in the body can trigger an outbreak.

To prevent cold sores, you should take good care of yourself by eating a healthy diet that includes many immune-boosting nutrients. You should get nutrients from your food, but you may also want to take supplements that include zinc and vitamin C. Both of these have significant immune boosting properties.

Getting enough sleep is also important, since if you are overly tired, it is easier for your body to become fatigued. If you are in a chronic state of fatigue, you won't be able to handle everyday stresses very well either. Fatigue and stress can be huge triggers for cold sore outbreaks.

Cold sores are also common when the lips become severely chapped, cracked, or exposed to elements like extreme cold, sunlight, or wind. Take steps to prevent injury to the lips, and use a good UV protectant lip balm.

Women are more prone to cold sores during pregnancy, or at certain times during the menstrual cycle. This is because hormonal and physiological changes during these times can cause physical stress to the body. All of the previously mentioned ways of preventing cold sores are doubly important for pregnant women, and for women who are prone to cyclically induced stress.

In addition to these general care methods, there are certain supplements and medications that can help prevent cold sores. These include zinc and lysine to boost immune function, and for their antiviral properties; and prescription anti-viral medications for people prone to severe outbreaks.

If you are already suffering from an outbreak, you can use over the counter numbing medications and lip balms to minimize pain and discomfort. There are also two common prescription creams containing the medications pensiclovir and acyclovir that can help reduce the length of an outbreak.

There are many strategies for how to prevent cold sores, and they all boil down to taking the best care of yourself to keep your immune function and your body's defenses at an optimal level. Though you can't get rid of the virus that causes cold sores, you can reduce your chances of future outbreaks by employing these self care techniques.

Autor: Grant Dougan

Finding a cold sore cure isn't complicated - you just need to take the right steps to prevent and heal the cold sores you get.

Click here to discover an all-natural technique that anyone can use to stop cold sores and live a life without worrying about getting an outbreak.

Added: February 4, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Notice the Difference With Clarins Skin Care Products

The Clarins organization is a company that has a skin care system that provides some of the best beauty and salon skin care treatments found in the market. The organization has been a leading skin care brand for over forty years now and it is for this reason that it is considered as one of the most popular male and female skin care brands ever to exist. Apart from providing its clients with some of the best skin care routines, the company always ensures that all its products are subjected to not less than 86 control and efficiency tests.This process is usually undertaken so as to minimize chances of causing harm to clients who use them.

In order to provide its customers with natural and gentle skin care, Clarins always ensures that all its products come from plants. As a result of taking this initiative, Clarins skin care products always leave one with his or her skin looking youthful and more radiant than before. However, for you to achieve desired results, proper usage of the products as well as following the laid down instructions that are most of the time inscribed on the product's package is often mandatory. As a way of ensuring that the company easily and orderly provides its customers with the most appropriate skin care products, Clarins decided to group them according to their use and function on the skin. For example, Clarins extra comfort cleansing cream and the Clarins one step facial cleanser are products that will always be grouped under Clarins skin cleansers and not in any other group. This method usually helps both the organization and the customers know which skin care products the company provides.

Apart from cleansers, other groups of Clarins skin care products also exist. These groups comprise of toners, moisturizers, exfoliators among many others. Toners are products that help replenish, refine, protect as well as re balance the skin's pH levels. Good examples of toners are, Clarins Toning lotion and Clarins multi active day cream. On the other hand, moisturizers are usually used to help the skin be able to retain its moisture throughout the day so as to assist it maintain its fresh look. Some examples of moisturizers commonly used include, Clarins energizing morning cream and Clarins moisture quenching cream. In addition to the above mentioned groups of skin care products, Clarins also provides exfoliators. Exfoliators are usually considered important for the skin since they help maintain its niceness as well as make it appear radiant. The main reason for this to happen is that, exfoliation helps one shed off almost all dead skin cells and in turn, leaving behind a skin that looks fresh and full of life. Some of the exfoliators commonly used are such as, Clarins one step exfoliating cleanser and Clarins gentle facial peeling.

Just to prove that the Clarins organization is serious when it comes to providing skin care products, the company has recently added other categories of products that help make the skin feel more comfortable, minimize its oil production, regulate its surface in order to produce a more appealing complexion, prevent signs of aging and so on. So as to achieve all these results, skin care products such as Clarins gentle day cream, Clarins gentle soothing mask, Clarins purifying toning lotion among many others need to be appropriately used.

Autor: Wangeci Kinyanjui Wangeci Kinyanjui
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Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on Clarins skin care products visit her site at CLARINS SKIN CARE PRODUCTS

Added: February 3, 2009
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