Having cracked, red, corners of the mouth is a problem for countless people each and every year. At first, it may seem like nothing more than a small irritation, but if left untreated, the area can become raw, open and difficult to conceal. If you have this problem, your first reaction may be to moisturize the area, but that's actually one of the worst things you can do. There are angular cheilitis natural treatment options that you can do right at home. The key to getting rid of this issue is to know what does and doesn't work.
All of the store bought lip moisturizers that we turn to during cold months are a big no-no if you have red corners of the mouth. The reason this is not one of the angular cheilitis natural treatment ideas you want to turn to is that putting on a chapped lip product will only serve to seal in the irritation. You need to dry the area out as much as possible, so if you do have dry lips, ensure that you only use a lip balm directly on the lips. Stay away from the corners of your mouth as much as possible.
Changing your diet is one of the angular cheilitis treatment ideas that can really help to heal the irritation and improve the appearance of the area. Eating foods that are low in sugar has proven helpful for many people. Also, adding foods that are rich in Vitamin B is thought to be one of the best natural ways for healing red chapped skin on the corners of the mouth. Eating more dairy foods, leafy green vegetables and cereals is a good start.
If you have dentures there is one thing you need to be aware of when it comes to angular cheilitis. You can actually aggravate the sensitive skin in the corner of your mouth more if your dentures aren't fitted properly. They do need to be adjusted from time to time and if you notice you are drooling quite often, that's a sure sign that you are susceptible to angular cheilitis. It only takes a few moments to have them adjusted and it can make all the difference in the world.
Autor: Gillian Reynolds Gillian Reynolds
Level: Platinum
Gillian Reynolds has experienced her share of broken hearts and relationship issues. She's now a happily married mother of two who enjoys sharing her wisdom ... ...
Although it can be painful and embarrassing to live with cracks on the sensitive skin in the corners of the mouth, there are ways you can treat the problem at home. For more helpful tips on how to deal with Angular Cheilitis, including a natural way to rid yourself of the pain and tenderness within hours, visit this Helpful Site!
You don't have to spend another day worrying about how the redness at the corners of your mouth look. You can cure the problem using all natural and completely safe methods at home.
Added: January 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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